Quick Q&A With Alicia Williams, Dental Assistant
What is the most satisfying part of the job?
Working with such an incredible team that always is so fun and supportive.
What are the challenges?
Sometimes it can be a very physically demanding job especially in my back and shoulders.
What’s your best tip for oral hygiene?
Flossing and using a tongue scraper.
What toothbrush do you use?
Oral B electric toothbrush (sensitive head).
How do you create a calm environment for patients who are nervous?
Talk to the patient and make them feel welcome, ask them if there is anything I can do to help them feel at ease.
If you didn’t work in a dental clinic, what would you do?
I would probably join the Defence Force.
Cat or Dog?
Cats for sure.
Sweet or Savoury?
I have a sweet tooth.
Go to karaoke song?
Wish you well – Bernard Fanning.
Favourite way to relax?
Getting cozy on the couch watching a movie with a cup of tea.
Bucket list item?
To travel the world.
What makes you smile?
Making people smile and seeing them happy and spending time with loved ones.