The Good Dentist, Newcastle, places major emphasis on General Dentistry and Restorative Dentistry.

At The Good Dentist, our approach to general dental care is unique and thorough. Regular dental check-ups are fundamental for continued oral health. We use minimally invasive dental procedures and our focus is on informed patient care and customer satisfaction.

Our motto has always been, “Simple done well.”

What is Restorative Dentistry?

Restorative dental care is hugely important to patients of all ages and should begin with children as early as a year old. The Good Dentist believes that it is never too late or too early to begin caring for your teeth.

Restorative dentistry covers a range of dental procedures from general dentistry to fillings, root canals, crowns, bridges, and implants. Its purpose is to help restore your smile and oral health to its beaming best, so you can enjoy life to the fullest.

woman checking veneer implant

The Good Dentist’s Restorative Services

The initial part of your appointment allows us to determine the extent of the issues you are facing, whether damage, decay, or infection. We may take an x-ray or scan to determine the best type of restorative dentistry you require from our general dental services.

If a cavity develops, a filling is placed in your tooth to restore strength and function. A dental filling is tooth-coloured material that is used to seal and protect the tooth from further decay.

Root Canals
Root canal treatment is a dental procedure to remove infected tissue inside the tooth. The surrounding area of the tooth requires numbing first. Then the root canal system of your tooth will be cleaned out of the infected pulp and bacteria. Finally, the opening of the tooth is sealed off with a filling or crown. Once healed, your tooth will be strong and healthy again.

Dental Veneers
Dental veneers are thin shells that are bonded to the front side of your teeth in order to change their shape, colour, and appearance. Veneers provide uniformity and harmony to the appearance of your teeth.

Dental Crowns
Crowns are caps that cover the entire visible surface of a tooth. They are typically used to strengthen or restore a tooth that has been damaged by decay or injury.

Dental Bridges
Bridges are used to replace missing teeth in a row that were lost due to disease or trauma. A bridge is made up of crowns attached to porcelain “wings” on either side of the gap between healthy teeth and new replacement teeth.

Dental Implants
Implants are medical devices that replace missing teeth in order to support replacement crowns (caps) or dentures (false teeth). Implants use screws inserted into jawbone tissue as anchors for replacement crowns, bridges, or dentures.

Exceptional General Dentistry

At The Good Dentist, we understand that the thought of having dental work, no matter how small, can be confronting. However, our team works hard to ensure you are comfortable and relaxed while getting the best possible care available.

We would be more than happy to discuss the type of restorative dental care that meets your needs. Contact The Good Dentist’s Newcastle clinic and let us restore your confidence.

Call 02 4929 6007 or contact us.


    We will respond to all enquiries within 24-48 hours.